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White Paper


Strategies for physicians, business
owners, and others with wealth

protecting your assets

As a physician, a business owner (if you’re an M.D. in private practice, you’re also a business owner), or a lawyer, CPA or other professional working independently, you probably have significant wealth-building potential. Unfortunately, you can also be a target for lawsuits, and can experience accidents or other events that can be a threat to your wealth and future income.

To protect the assets you have accumulated, it is critical to understand the types of risk you face in both your personal and professional lives. Obtaining coverage from the right types of insurance and employing other tactics can be the difference between preserving, enjoying and sharing your wealth, or losing most or all of it.

Our white paper, “Protecting Your Assets – Strategies for physicians, business owners and others with wealth”, explains the types of risks that could result in the loss of a significant portion (or all) of your assets, and describes how to protect against those risks. Learn about personal and professional liabilities, and some overlooked asset protection strategies.

Download the guide and learn: 

  • Who needs asset protection and why.

  • How to protect your personal assets with insurance and other techniques

  • What types of professional liabilities you face, and why malpractice insurance is only one type of risks mitigating tool.

  • Where everyday risks fit into the asset protection picture.

  • Overlooked/underappreciated steps for protecting your assets.

Even if your wealth is modest, you can and should protect what you have. Reviewing these risks to your assets and strategies for addressing them will provide real, tangible benefits. Learn the steps you can take to preserve what you have built for yourself and your family. 

Click below to download Protecting Your Assets

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