As a financial advisor, your business depends on delivering highly personalized services to your clients who trust you with their life savings.
TruthfuIly, much of the day-to-day work of a modern financial planning business is technology driven, and many tasks — such as basic research, entering data into models, and preparing documents — do not have to be done by a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER". Many firms rely on paraplanners to handle these responsibilities.
But hiring and retaining quality paraplanners is chaIlenging. That's why outsourcing can be the best way for many financiaI planning businesses to meet their paraplanning needs.
Outsourcing gives you access to professional paraplanners who are trained to hand ie much of the time consuming, data-intensive work that goes into building a financial plan as efficiently and seamlessly as handling it in house.
Outsourcing your paraplanning needs helps to control expenses and gives you more time and flexibility to give your clients the expertise and personalized services that onIy you can provide.

Services from
Gold Medal
Gold Medal Waters' Paraplanning Services provides financial planners, RIAs, and their firms with highly qualified virtual paraplanners whose personalities match the needs of the business. We work with you to understand your client base, your processes, and the primary software tools you use so we can choose and train the right paraplanner to start adding value to your business on day one.
How Do We Know What We Look For?
We use paraplanners in our firm and know how important they are in making a financial planning business work. We’ve been around for a long time and know the skills and work ethic you need in a qualified financial paraplanner. ‘
Our virtual paraplanners are trained and ready to begin working “on demand.” Because they serve a variety of clients, you benefit from a wide range of skills and experiences. We ensure our virtual paraplanners:
Know how to use financial planning software such as Right Capita, Money GuidePro, and eMoney
Are familiar with risk tolerance assessment tools like Finametrica, Riskalyze, and TIFIN Risk
Have experience with a range of client communication systems
Are trained in the financial planning process.

In addition to looking for paraplanners with financial planning experience, we emphasize these five critical attributes that we seek when hiring for our own paraplanning team:
Emotionally Intelligent
Responsive and Responsible

When you outsource your paraplanning needs to Gold Medal Waters, we take on the burden and absorb the cost of finding and hiring qualified virtual paraplanners, outfitting them with technology tools, and providing additional training as needed.
We assign a paraplanner to your firm, for an agreed upon number of hours, based on your needs. And, we have a deep bench, so if your needs increase we can provide more resources right away.

The Role of an Outsourced
While Gold MedaI Waters' virtuaI parapIanners are aII experienced, they continuaIIy build their knowledge of financiaI pIanning software and other reIevant technologies , so they can continue to deliver high-quality work as your business and the industry evolve.
Our outsoured parapIanners act as an extension of your business. Supervised by our ParapIanning manager and fuIIy integrated with your team, they can work on a variety of financiaI pIanning activities, incIuding:
Client communications
Data entry
Document preparation
Managing planning workflow
Information gathering
Research recommandations
Modeling and analysis
Ongoing planning support
You can confidently as sign many routine financiaI planning tasks to a Gold MedaI Waters virtuaI parapIanner and get back to focusing on building your business and delivering
vaIue add services to your clients.